Welcome to the NC Laboratory of Advanced Inorganic Materials Chemistry (NC-Jeong Research Group) Website. We are located in the Department of Physics & Chemistry at DGIST. We harness molecular recognition and self-assembly processes for the synthesis of functionalized supramolecules and metal-organic frameworks, prior to their being introduced into integrated nanosystems. The website is oriented towards prospective graduate students to give them a glimpse of our ongoing research activities as well as ourselves. To learn more about past and present group members, articles published by the group, breaking news and more, we invite you to explore the various sections. To get information on the group leader, please see the Professor section.
Positions are available for undergraduates, graduates, and highly talented postdoctral researchers.
무기소재화학 연구실 (NC Laboratory of Advanced Inorganic Materials Chemistry)에서 대학원생(석사/석박통합/박사과정) 및 박사후연구원(Postdoctor)를 모집합니다. 우리 연구실은 무기화학분야의 이슈 중 하나인 초분자 금속유기구조체(Metal-Organic Framework, MOF)를 소재로 하여, 무기초분자 물질 및 다공성 물질 내에서 일어나는 자연현상의 본질을 해석/설명하는 연구를 수행 중입니다. 초분자 금속유기구조체는 유기분자와 금속이온의 배위결합으로 형성되는 물질이며, 선택적 가스흡착, 가스저장, 센서, 촉매, 신체 내 약물전달 등 다양한 분야에서 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있습니다. 한편, 이러한 특성을 바탕으로 환경, 배터리, 의학 등 미래 산업 전반에 중추적 역할의 잠재력을 지닌 물질입니다. 우리는 초분자 물질과 관련된 기초화학 연구를 바탕으로 응용화학까지 개척하고 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 Notice section을 확인해주세요.

cherry blossoms ♣

cherry blossoms ♣

cherry blossoms ♣

cherry blossoms ♣

KCS Meeting at Suwon

KCS Meeting at Suwon

KCS Meeting at Suwon

KCS Meeting at Suwon
12. 20
Sun Ho Park
Win an Outstanding Student Award (2024 DGIST)
Sun Ho Park was awarded "Outstanding Student Award" from DGIST.
박선호, DGIST 대학원생 연구페스티벌 우수학생상 수상
12. 20
Sun Ho Park
Win a Best Excellent Research Paper Award (2024 DGIST Physics & Chemistry)
Sun Ho Park won the "Best Excellent Research Paper Award" from DGIST.
박선호 Physics & Chemistry 학과 최우수 논문상 수상
12. 20
Cheol Yeong Heo, Hye Mi Kim
허철영, 김혜미
Win an Excellent Research Paper Award (2024 DGIST Physics & Chemistry)
Cheol Yeong Heo and Hye Mi Kim won the "Excellent Research Paper Award" from DGIST, respectively.
허철영, 김혜미 Physics & Chemistry 학과 우수 논문상 수상
11. 01
Eun Seo Jeon
Win an Excellent Poster Award (2024 KCA Symposium)
Eun Seo Jeon won "Excellent Poster Prize" in the Symposium of Korean Crystallographic Association.
전은서, 한국결정학회 심포지움 "우수 포스터상" 수상
02. 14
Mariana L. Díaz-Ramírez & Sun Ho Park
마리아나, 박선호
Mariana L. Díaz-Ramírez & Sun Ho Park's paper has been published in Chem. Sci.
11. 12
Sun Ho Park & Jinhee Bae
박선호, 배진희
Sun Ho Park & Jinhee Bae's paper has been published in Nat. Commun.
Time-efficient atmospheric water harvesting using Flourophenyl oligomer incorporated MOFs
Nat. Commun. (2024)
11. 04
Sun Ho Park & Hye Mi Kim & Mariana L. Díaz-Ramírez
박선호, 김혜미, 마리아나
Sun Ho Park & Hye Mi Kim & Mariana L. Díaz-Ramírez's paper has been published in Chem. Commun.
Hydroquinone-treated Cu3(BTC)2: a mixed-valance Cu(I/II) MOF catalyst for efficient cycloadditions
Chem. Commun. (2024)
02. 12
Cheol Yeong Heo & Mariana L. Díaz-Ramírez & Sun Ho Park
허철영, 마리아나, 박선호
Cheol Yeong Heo & Mariana L. Díaz-Ramírez & Sun Ho Park's paper has been published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
Solvent-Driven Dynamics: Crafting Tailored Transformations of Cu(II)-Based MOFs
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2024)